What are the functions of parts of flower?

The four parts of the flower; pistil, stamen, petals and sepals, have distinct functions.

(i)  What are the functions of pistils?

The pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower. It consists of three parts: stigma, style, and ovary.

●     Stigma

 Stigma is the sticky top part. It’s sticky so that the pollen grains can adhere to it when it

falls on the female reproductive part. Thus, stigma acts as the receiving centre.

●     Style

 Style is a long slender tube which acts as a channel for the pollen grain to reach the ovary. It is the bridge that connects the stigma and the ovary.

●     Ovary

 The ovary contains the egg cells or Ovules of the plant.


 What are the functions of stamen?

Stamen is the male reproductive part of the flower. It is made up of two parts: filament and anther.

●     Filament

 The filament is a long tubular structure that holds the anther firmly.

●     Anther

 The anther is a bag that holds the pollen grains inside it. Pollen grains are the microscopic bodies that contain the male reproductive cell of the plant.


 What is the function of petals?

 Petals are vibrantly coloured. They are bright and attractive so that they can attract birds and insects for Pollination.

(iv)  What are the functions of sepals?

Sepals are the first structures that develop when a flower is formed. They protect the flower bud during the development by forming a covering around it. This prevents the desiccation of the internal structures.