What are the essential features of: – (a) Liberalisation (b) Privatisation(c) Globalisation

Features of Liberalization :
(i) Freedom of starting production units.
(ii) Use of new machines and latest technology.
(iii) No government interference in production.
(iv) Free flow of foreign investment.

Features of Privatization:
(i) Reduction in extra burden on the government.
(ii) Control over the poor performance of the public sector.
(iii) Check on excess bureaucracy.
(iv) Disinvestment i.e. sale of shares in PSUs to public

Features of Globalization:
(i) integration of world economies
(ii) removing inefficiency from industrial units.
(iii) improving allocative efficiency of resources.
(iv) encourages global competition which reduces costs and improves quality.

Final answer-
Features of Liberalization :
(i) Freedom of starting production units.
(ii) Use of new machines and latest technology.
(iii) No government interference in production.
(iv) Free flow of foreign investment.

Features of Privatization:
(i) Reduction in extra burden on the government.
(ii) Control over the poor performance of the public sector.
(iii) Check on excess bureaucracy.
(iv) Disinvestment i.e. sale of shares in PSUs to public

Features of Globalization:
(i) integration of world economies
(ii) removing inefficiency from industrial units.
(iii) improving allocative efficiency of resources.
(iv) encourages global competition which reduces costs and improves quality.