What are the Earth’s principal biological systems? Why have they been depleted and how can they be preserved?

There are four major biological systems on Earth.
These are fisheries, forests, grasslands, and farmlands.
They form the basis of the world economic system. They provide us with industrial food and raw materials.
These biological systems are depleted when overused.
Overfishing is very common.
The forest is destroyed to get firewood for cooking.
In many parts of the world, these biological systems have reached unsustainable levels. Grasslands turn into deserts, reducing cultivable land production.
They seem to have lost their productivity.
Forest depletion can lead to the extinction of some species.
We need to change our attitude and end the overfishing of natural resources.
We must pass them on to future generations in good health so that they can meet their needs. Awareness of our moral responsibility as the administrator of our children’s heritage helps to protect these non-renewable resources.

Final answer:There are four biological systems: fisheries,forests , grasslands and farmlands.biological system decreased due to overuse.forest depletion lead to extinction of species.conservation of resources is necessary for the coming generation.