What are the different modifications of leaves?

In many plants, their leaves are modified to perform some special functions other than photosynthesis and transpiration. We learn about some of these modifications.

●     Tendrils

Tendrils are delicate thread-like structures that help in anchoring the weak stemmed plants like climbers. Tendrils are the modification of leaves, stems, or petiole.

They do not possess a leaf blade but are capable of performing photosynthesis.



 In plants like cactus, the leaves are modified into spines also called thorns.


They help in lowering the rate of transpiration to prevent water loss. They also provide protection against the grazing animals.



  • Prey-trapping


In carnivorous or insectivorous plants, the leaves are modified to attract and catch the prey. These plants perform photosynthesis but for proteins, they depend on insects.

Carnivorous plant


  • Storage bag


Plants that grow in arid regions, which have limited water supply, have thick and fleshy leaves. Leaves are modified to store water.

Thick and fleshy leaves