What are the Different forms of expressing percentage?
Percentage can be expressed in 3 ways:
- A ratio or a fraction
- A fraction with denominator 100
- Decimals
Let us understand this with the help of a table by drawing a square of four parts.
Parts of a square | Ratio/Fraction | Denominator 100 | Decimal | Percentage |
As one part of the square is coloured out of 4, this is 1 4 | To get the denominator as 100 both the numerator and denominator of 1 will be 4 multiplied by 25. 1 × 25 25 = 4 × 25 100 | If we divide the fraction 25 we 100 get the decimal form as 0.25. | 25 is 25%. 100 | |
As two parts of the square are coloured out of 4, this is 2. 4 | To get denominator as 100, both the numerator and denominator of 2 will be 4 multiplied by 25. 2 × 25 50 = 4 × 25 100 | If we divide the fraction 50 we 100 get the decimal form as 0.50 | 50 is 50%. 100 | |
As three parts of a square are coloured out of 4, this is 3. 4 | To get denominator as 100 both the numerator and denominator of 3 will be 4 multiplied by 25. 3 × 25 75 = . 4 × 25 100 | If we divide the fraction 75 we 100 get the decimal form as 0.75 | 75 is 75%. 100 | |
As all the parts of a square are this is 4. 4 | To get denominator as 100 both the numerator and denominator of 4 will be 4 multiplied by 25. 4 × 25 100 = 4 × 25 100 | If we divide the fraction 100 we 100 get the decimal form as 1.00 | 100 is 100%. 100 |
Each row in the above table represents equal values.