What are the difference between need and want?

“Need” and “want” are two concepts that describe different levels of necessity and desire in the context of human requirements. Here are the key differences between need and want:


Need: A need is something essential for survival, well-being, or a basic standard of living. Needs are necessary for the physical and psychological well-being of an individual.

Want: A want, on the other hand, is a desire or a wish for something that is not essential for survival. Wants are often driven by personal preferences, aspirations, or cultural influences.


Need: Needs are fundamental and necessary for maintaining life. They include things like food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education.

Want: Wants are not essential for survival but represent the individual’s preferences or aspirations. Examples include luxury items, entertainment, travel, and non-essential goods.


Need: Needs have a higher priority because they are essential for basic survival and well-being. Meeting needs is crucial for maintaining health and ensuring a basic quality of life.

Want: Wants have a lower priority because they are not essential for survival. They often represent desires that can be pursued after basic needs are met.


Need: Needs are often objective and universal, applicable to most individuals regardless of personal preferences or cultural differences.

Want: Wants are subjective and can vary greatly among individuals based on personal tastes, cultural influences, and individual goals.


Need: Meeting needs is necessary for a sustainable and healthy life. Failure to fulfill basic needs can lead to adverse consequences for an individual’s health and well-being.

Want: Fulfilling wants is not essential for sustainability. While pursuing wants can enhance the quality of life, the absence of certain wants does not have the same immediate impact on survival.

In summary, needs are essential for survival and well-being, while wants are desires or preferences that go beyond basic survival requirements. Distinguishing between needs and wants is important in making decisions about resource allocation, budgeting, and prioritizing goals, both at an individual level and in a broader societal context.