What are the Changes in Adolescents During Puberty

Physical changes

Development of Pimples and Acne – It is one of the most significant physical
changes in adolescents which is common in both girls and boys. During puberty,
the activity of oil glands and sweat glands is quite high. Oil glands secrete an oily
substance called Sebum which protects the skin and forms a waterproof as well
as a lubricating layer around it. Sweat glands are known for the secretion of Sweat
which maintains body temperature and eliminates waste products. In adolescents,
these glands secrete an excess of sebum and other oils which results in the extra
amount to ooze out of the skin. Thus, the skin pores usually get clogged with the
extra oil and these clogs result in the pimples or acne on the face.

Oil and sweat glands

Oil and sweat glands

Development of Sex organs – The reproductive organs, also called Gonads,
are present since birth, but develop completely during puberty. That is, the male
or the female is now physically capable of reproducing. In males, the development
of Testes takes place which is the site for the production of male gametes
(sperms). In females, the development of reproductive structures called Ovaries
takes place where egg cells (ova) are produced.

Reproductive organs

Reproductive organs

Mental changes

Adolescents experience many changes in their thinking patterns which
enhances their intellectual ability. They can grasp and learn things better.

Emotional changes

Adolescents develop a better understanding of emotions.

Psychological changes

They start behaving independently. At this stage, many of
them find themselves confident enough to take a few decisions as well.

In order to understand the changes during puberty, a theory was put forth by the famous
German-American psychologist Erik Erikson. In his theory, the stage of adolescence is bestowed
with the title ‘Identity versus Role confusion’. As per the theory, individuals during
adolescence either turn successful while searching their own identity and their responsibilities; or
become totally confused as to what exactly is happening with them in life.


Changes during Puberty
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Psychological
A theory put forth by Erik Erikson
  • In his theory, the stage of adolescence is bestowed with the title ‘Identity versus Role confusion’.
  • Individuals during adolescence either turn successful while searching their own identity and their responsibilities; or become totally confused as to what exactly is happening with them in life.

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