What are the advantages of sexual over asexual reproduction?

Reproduction is the process by which production of new offspring takes place.
It is mainly of two types :- Asexual and sexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which offsprings produced are identical to their parents and only one parent is involved.
Sexual reprpdouction is a type of reproduction in which offsprings produced are similar to their parents and two parents are involved.
Advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction are following:-
In sexual reproduction more variations are produced. Hence, it provides better chances of survival of species in a population.
The newly formed offspring has characteristics of both the parents.
During sexual reproduction, diversity of characters are produced.
In sexual reproduction, there is a chance of evolution to occur with the flow of time.
Final answer :-
Hence, these are the advantages of sexual over asexual reproduction.