What are Polynomials?

What are Polynomials?

The world polynomial is made up of two terms: poly means many and nomial means parts. So, polynomial means many terms.

Algebraic expressions which have one or more terms are called polynomials. There can be one, two, three, or even a greater number of terms.

Based on the number of terms a polynomial can be classified as:

  • Monomial – An expression with one term
  • Binomial – An expression with two terms
  • Trinomial – An expression with three terms For example,
Monomial (1 term) Binomial (2 terms) Trinomial (3 terms) More than 3 terms


4 + x 3xy – y 3 + a + b 3cd + a + 8 4𝑧 + 9 + 3𝑥 + 𝑦

2𝑎 + 𝑏2 + 3𝑦𝑧 + 8𝑐

+ 9


Polynomial ● An expression which has one or more terms

– Monomial – expression with one term

– Binomial – expression with two terms

– Trinomial – expression with three terms