What are pleomorphic bacteria? Give an example.

Pleomorphic bacteria have several variable and irregular forms within the same strain or species.
They can take on many different forms.
Changing climatic circumstances might be to blame for the shift in form and size.

Pleomorphic bacteria examples –
Mycoplasma can be found in a variety of forms and shapes. They have a lipoglycan and sterol-rich plasma membrane. They lack cell walls, allowing them to change shape in response to their surroundings. It is a member of the Monera genus, which includes all prokaryotic organisms.
Corynebacterium is a Gram-positive aerobic bacteria. They have the following shapes: bacilli, club-shaped, and bacilli with the genus name. Coryneform is a club-shaped shape.
Helicobacter pylori is a type of pleomorphic bacteria that comes in a variety of shapes, including a curved rod and a coccoid form.
Deinococcus radiodurans is a radiation-resistant bacterium that also happens to be an extremophile.
Legionella pneumophila is another pleomorphic bacteria.

Final Answer: Pleomorphic bacteria have several variable and irregular forms within the same strain or species. They can take on many different forms. Example – Corynebacterium.