What are plant hormones class 10?

In a class 10 biology curriculum, you might learn about plant hormones, which are also known as phytohormones. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes in plants. Some of the important plant hormones that are typically covered in a class 10 biology curriculum include:

  1. Auxins: Auxins are responsible for regulating plant growth, particularly in terms of cell elongation and differentiation. They also play a role in tropisms, such as phototropism (response to light) and gravitropism (response to gravity).
  2. Gibberellins: Gibberellins are involved in promoting stem elongation, seed germination, and flowering. They can stimulate the growth of both stems and leaves.
  3. Cytokinins: Cytokinins promote cell division and are responsible for various processes, including cell differentiation, leaf senescence (aging), and the development of lateral buds.
  4. Abscisic Acid (ABA): ABA is involved in regulating responses to environmental stress factors, such as drought and salinity. It helps plants conserve water and close stomata to reduce water loss.
  5. Ethylene: Ethylene is a gaseous hormone that regulates fruit ripening, senescence, and abscission (shedding of leaves and fruits). It also plays a role in responses to environmental stress.
  6. Jasmonic Acid: Jasmonic acid is involved in plant responses to various biotic stresses, such as insect herbivory and pathogen attack. It also plays a role in plant defense mechanisms.
  7. Brassinosteroids: Brassinosteroids are involved in promoting cell elongation, stem and root growth, and seed germination. They also help plants respond to light and gravity.

In a class 10 biology curriculum, you would typically learn about the basic functions and roles of these plant hormones in regulating plant growth and development. Understanding these hormones is important for comprehending how plants respond to their environment and adapt to different conditions.