What are lyophilic and lyophobic sols? Give one example of each type. Why are hydrophobic sols easily coagulated?

As per the given question we know that on the basis of dispersion phase and dispersion medium colloidal solutions are classified into two types- (i) Lyophilic sols (ii) Lyophobic sols.
Lyophilic Sols- Lyophilic solutions are those colloidal systems in which there is great interaction between dispersion phase and dispersion medium. Hence, they are very stable in nature. For example- protein, starch etc
Lyophobic sols- Lyophobic sols are those colloidal systems in which there is no or very little affinity between dispersion phase and dispersion medium. Hence, they are not stable in nature. For example- solutions of metals like gold and silver, metal hydroxides etc.

Lyophobic or Hydrophobic are easily coagulated because they are very less stable because their stability just depends upon the charge. In contrast, the stability of lyophilic sols depend upon the stability of charge as well as the solvation of its particles.

Final answer :
Lyophobic or Hydrophobic are easily coagulated because they are very less stable because their stability just depends upon the charge. In contrast, the stability of lyophilic sols depend upon the stability of charge as well as the solvation of its particles.