What are Inner planets?

The planets nearest to the sun, that is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called Inner planets. They have the least number of moons.


It is the closest planet to the sun. It is also the smallest planet in our solar system.


Since it’s really close to the sun, it is hard to observe it from our skies during the day. However, during sunset or sunrise, it can be seen near the horizon, if there are no buildings or trees obstructing the horizon.

There are no moons revolving around Mercury.


This planet is earth’s nearest planetary neighbour. It is also the brightest planet to

be seen in the night sky.


It can be seen in the eastern sky before sunrise or in the western sky after sunset. It’s because of this kind of appearance that it’s known as morning star or evening star, even though it is not a star.

It rotates completely opposite from the way the earth rotates around its axis. That is, it rotates from the east to the west.

Venus has no moons revolving around it.


Earth is the only planet in the solar system on which life is known to exist, thanks to the special environmental conditions – like the heat we get from the sun, the water, a comfortable atmosphere and an ozone layer that protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Earth appears a green-blue colour from space because of the reflection of the water and the mass of land.


The earth’s axis is tilted and not perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. It is due to this that we get different types of seasons like winter, summer, autumn, and spring. The earth has only one moon.


It is the first planet outside the earth’s orbit. Because of its reddish appearance, it is

also known as the red planet. The red colour is due to the rusty colour of its soil.


Mars has two tiny natural satellites around it.

What are Outer planets?

The planets outside of the orbit of Mars, which are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are called Outer planets. They have the most number of moons. They have a ring system around them.


It is known to be the biggest planet in the solar system. In fact, it is so large that 1300 earths can be placed in this massive planet. Its mass is to be 318 times that of the earth.


Jupiter rotates at a super-fast speed around its axis. It is said to have the largest number of satellites. It can be easily seen in the night sky due to its brightness. Four of its large moons can be seen with the help of a telescope.


It appears yellowish in colour. What makes Saturn unique in the solar is its beautiful rings. These rings are not visible to the naked eye and can be seen only with the help of a telescope.


It is the least dense planet among all the planets. Its density is lesser than that of water. This means it can float on water.

Like Jupiter, Saturn too has a large number of satellites.


Like Venus, Uranus rotates from east to west around its axis. Its axis is completely titled to a point where it appears to be sideways. Hence, while rotating it appears to roll on its side.


Like all the outer planets, it has many moons.


Neptune is the farthest planet in the solar system. Its appearance is bluish and it has many moons.



Inner Planets

Planets that are closest to the sun and having the least number of moons

Planet Moons Features
Mercury 0 Smallest planet

Closest to the sun

Venus 0 Hottest planet

Brightest planet in the night sky

Spins the opposite direction of Earth

Earth 1 Only planet with life

Has a tilted axis

Rotates from west to east

Mars 2 First planet outside earth’s orbit

Known as red planet

Outer Planets

Planets outside of Mars’s orbit, having a ring system and the most number of moons

Planet Moons Features
Jupiter more than 75 moons Biggest planet

318 times the mass of the earth

Saturn 53 known moons Most spectacular ring system

Least dense planet, density lesser than water

Uranus 27 known moons Rotates from east to west around its axis

Unique as it rotates on its side

Neptune 14 known moons Farthest planet

Bluish in appearance

Did you know?

The Sun is the centre of the solar system and makes up 99.8 % of the mass of the entire solar system.

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