What are different cropping seasons in India? Explain with at least two examples from each.

In India and Pakistan, the agricultural year is divided in two main periods. Cropping seasons in these climatic conditions support specific crops. So, farmers sow crops according to the season. Main cropping seasons in India are:
Rabi season
Kharif season
Apart from these two seasons, there is a Zaid season as well. These words are derived from Arabic language.

Final Answer:
The cropping seasons in India:
Rabi season: These crops are sown during winter from the month of October to December and harvested in during summer from the month of April to June. Some of the major rabi crops are wheat, peas, barley, gram and mustard. These crops are grown in states such as Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttar Pradesh. Availability of rainfall during winter months due to the western disturbance helps in the successful growth of these crops.
Kharif season: These crops are grown with the onset of monsoon in several parts of the country and are harvested in the months of September – October. Crops grown in this season are maize, bajra, tur, moong, urad, cotton, jute, jowar, paddy, soyabean and groundnut.
Zaid season : There is a short season during the summer months in between the rabi and the kharif seasons known as the Zaid season. Major crops produced during this season are watermelon, cumumber, muskmelon, vegetables and fodder crops.