Uses of Mirrors

What are the uses of mirrors?

We use mirrors in our daily lives, such as to see ourselves while personal grooming and beautification. Other than this, we use mirrors in cars and bikes, in some types of telescopes, solar heaters and so on.

In all these uses, there are different types of mirrors used.

Different uses of mirror

 What are the different types of mirrors?

There are two types of mirrors:

  • Plane mirrors
  • Curved mirrors

Types of mirrors – plane, convex and concave

 What are Plane mirrors?

A Plane mirror is a mirror having a plane surface.

This kind of mirror forms an image of the exact same size as the object. We use such mirrors at home for personal grooming.

What are Curved mirrors?

Curved mirrors are mirrors having a curved surface.

Such mirrors form images of varying sizes, depending on the type of curved mirror.

There are two types of curved mirrors –

  • Convex mirror – Mirrors curved They form smaller images as compared to the object. Such mirrors are used in cars and bikes.
  • Concave mirror – Mirrors curved They form larger images as compared to the object. For example, reflecting telescopes.