Uses of Metals and Non-metals

What are the uses of metals?

Metals find a lot of applications in our everyday lives based on their properties.

Property Application
Lustre Metals are used to make jewellery as they are lustrous.
Ductility Wires can be made out of metals due to their ductile nature.
Malleability The property of malleability can help us form thin sheets out of the metal.
Conduction of heat Kitchen utensils can be made out of metals so that cooking becomes possible and convenient.
Hardness Metals are used to make vehicles, bridges etc.
Sonorous Bells used for conveying messages in various forms are made out of metals due to their sonorous nature.

What are the uses of nonmetals?

Nonmetals play a major role in our daily lives like:

  • Oxygen is essential for our life which all living beings inhale during breathing
  • Nitrogen is used in fertilisers to enhance the growth of plants.
  • Chlorine is used in the water purification process.
  • Iodine is applied on wounds as an antiseptic.


Uses of Metals Metals are used to make jewellery,wires. thin sheets, kitchen utensils and many more.
Uses of Non- metals
  • Oxygen is essential for our life which all living beings inhale during breathing
  • Nitrogen is used in fertilisers to enhance the growth of plants.
  • Chlorine is used in the water purification process.
  • Iodine is applied on wounds as an antiseptic.