Types of Diseases

How are diseases classified?

Diseases can be broadly classified based on two factors:

  • Duration
  • Causative factors

Let us look at each type one by one.

  • Duration: Duration tells us the average time duration of a particular disease. Depending on the duration, diseases can be further divided into Acute and Chronic
Acute Diseases Chronic Diseases
Diseases which last for a shorter duration are called Acute diseases.

Example: Common cold

Diseases which last for a longer duration are called Chronic diseases.

Example: Tuberculosis

Acute diseases do not cause much damage. Chronic diseases generally cause severe damage and have a drastic effect.
  • Causative factors: Causative agents tell us about the agents that transmit disease. Depending on the causative agents, diseases can be further divided into Infectious and Non- infectious


Infectious diseases Non-infectious diseases
Diseases caused by microbes or microorganisms are called Infectious diseases. Non-infectious diseases are not caused by microbes or microorganisms.
These diseases can spread from one person to another through infectious agents.

Example: Common cold

These diseases cannot spread from one person to another. These diseases are mostly genetic and therefore passed down from generation to generation.

Example: Diabetes

What is an Infectious agent?

Infectious agents are those that have the capability of spreading diseases from an infected person to a non-infected person.