Types of Combustion

What are the Types of Combustion?

There are three types of combustion:

  • Spontaneous combustion
  • Rapid combustion
  • Explosive combustion

1. What is Spontaneous combustion?

The type of combustion in which a material suddenly bursts into flames, without the application of any apparent cause is called Spontaneous combustion.

For example,

  • Highly active elements like sodium burst into flames the moment they are exposed to air. That is why sodium is stored in a closed container under

Spontaneous combustion of sodium

  • Sometimes intense heat from the sun or even lightning can set the forest on fire spontaneously.

2. What is Rapid combustion?

The type of combustion in which a material burns rapidly but only after the application of an apparent cause is called Rapid combustion.

For example,

  • When we turn the knob of a gas stove, the gas does not burn immediately. A burning match is needed to ignite the

Rapid combustion of cooking gas 

  • Burning of a wax candle is another

3. What is Explosive combustion?

The type of combustion in which a material burns to produce a large amount of heat, light, gas and sound is called Explosive combustion.

Usually, explosive combustions require some external activity that triggers the reaction. The external factor could be ignition or pressure.

For example, firecrackers can be burnt by lighting them. Sometimes applying pressure can also be a trigger.


Types of Combustion
Spontaneous Combustion A material suddenly bursts into flames, without the application of any apparent cause
Rapid Combustion A material burns rapidly but only after the application of an apparent cause
Explosive Combustion A material burns to produce a large amount of heat, light, gas and sound

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