Types of Charges

There are two types of charges:

  • Positive charge, which is denoted with a plus (+)
  • Negative charge, which is denoted with a minus (-)

Properties of Charges

  • Same charges repel each
  • Opposite charges attract each

That is two positive or two negative charges will repel each other, whereas a positive and a negative charge will be attracted to each other.

Here is a simple experiment to explain this.

Bring two air-filled, freely suspended identical balloons, close to each other. You will see that there is no reaction between the balloons. But when both balloons are rubbed with a woollen cloth and then brought together, they repel each other.

Balloons with same charge repel each other

We know that objects with the same charge repel each other and since the balloons are rubbed with the same woollen cloth, they have the same charge. The same reaction is seen when two identical glass rods rubbed with silk are brought close.

Now when we bring the charged balloon and the charged glass rod together, they attract each other. This means that they have opposite charges.

Balloon and glass rod with opposite charges attract each other

 By convention, it is said that rubbing with woollen cloth gives a negative charge and that with a silk cloth gives a positive charge.

Objects with no charge also show attraction. For example, the pieces of paper were attracted to the glass rod and they were not rubbed with anything. This means that charged bodies can have an influence on neutral objects also. To know more about this check out the topic Non-contact forces.


Types of Charges Positive charge (+) Negative charge (-)
Properties of Charges
  • Same charges repel each other
  • Opposite charges attract each other

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