Types of Cells

What are the Differences between plant cell and animal cell?

  • Presence and absence of the cell
    • Plant cells have a proper, well-defined cell wall which gives them a defined
    • Animal cells do not have a cell wall and thus they lack a proper shape. They just have the cell membrane which is also present in plant
  • Presence and absence of
    • Plant cells perform photosynthesis so they show the presence of
    • Animal cells do not possess
  • Number and size of
    • In the plant cells, the vacuole is large and located at the centre. This central vacuole can occupy the majority of the cell space pushing other organelles to the periphery.
    • In animal cells, there are numerous small-sized vacuoles and they are scattered throughout the

plant cell and animal cell

How are cells classified?

Cells are broadly classified into two major types:

● Prokaryotic cell

  • They do not have a proper well-defined
  • They show some thread-like structures scattered in the cytoplasm called Nucleoid

which is analogous to the nucleus in our cells.

  • It has strands of DNA, RNA, and carries the genetic information of the
  • The only difference is that the nucleoid does not have a compact shape and lacks a proper membrane for the different
  • Cells of lower organisms like various bacteria have this type of

● Eukaryotic cell

  • It has well-defined membranes for nucleus as well as for other
  • Both plant and animal cells can be included in the category of eukaryotic

●	Prokaryotic cell