Transportation in Plants

What is Xylem?

Xylem is the plant tissue that makes sure that the water is transported vertically upwards from the roots to the leaves. Two phenomena are responsible for the movement of water: root pressure and transpirational pull.



Root pressure

  • The root cells absorb the water and the water moves upwards against the gravity due to difference in
  • The water moves from higher water potential to the lower water
  • The phenomenon in which the water rises in the xylem due to the osmotic pressure is called root

Transpirational pull

  • Transpiration is the process in which the plants remove excess water through
  • When the water is lost from the stomata it creates negative pressure on the water molecules present in the As a result due to the suction force, they move upwards.

What is Phloem?

Phloem is the plant tissue that transports food. Phloem supply food to all the parts of the plant by transporting it in both directions.

