Tissues – Overview

What are the types of plant tissues?

Based on their dividing and non-dividing nature, plant tissues are of two types: Meristematic and Permanent

(i) Meristematic tissues

Meristematic tissues constantly divide throughout the life of plants and help in their growth.

Types of meristematic tissues

Depending on where they are located in the plant, meristematic tissues are classified into:

  • Apical meristem
  • Lateral meristem
  • Intercalary meristem

Meristematic tissues

Meristematic tissues

  • Permanent tissues

Permanent tissues are non-dividing tissues that help the plant to perform various activities.

Types of permanent tissues

Depending upon the type of cells present in them, permanent tissues are classified into two types:

  • Simple permanent
  • Complex permanent

Simple permanent tissues

The simple permanent tissues are of three types:

  • Parenchyma – It acts as a filler. If modified to have air cavities, they are called Aerenchyma. If they have chlorophyll integrated, they are called
  • Collenchyma – It gives flexibility to the plant
  • Sclerenchyma – It gives rigidity and strength to the plant

Types of simple permanent tissues

Types of simple permanent tissues Complex permanent tissues

The complex permanent tissues include the vascular bundle system containing the following tissues:

  • Xylem – It helps in transporting water and minerals in only the upward direction. It is made up of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma, and xylem
  • Phloem – It helps in the transportation of food and can pass the substances, in both the directions. It is made up of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem

Types of complex permanent tissues

Types of complex permanent tissues

What are the types of animal tissues?

There are four major types of animal tissues categorised based on their collective function. These tissues work together in a synchronised manner and help us perform the various functions.

  • Epithelial tissue

It lies above the entire body, forming a protective covering. It also forms a barrier between the various organs separating them.

Types of epithelial tissues:

  • Squamous epithelium
  • Columnar epithelium
  • Cuboidal epithelium
  • Glandular epithelium

(ii) Connective tissue

The connective tissue is a type of tissue that helps to connect the various parts of our body. Types of connective tissues:

  • Bones
  • Cartilage
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Areolar
  • Adipose
  • Blood

(iii) Muscular tissue

Muscular tissues are the tissues in animals that help in movement and locomotion. Types of muscular tissue:

  • Striated muscles
  • Non-striated or smooth muscles
  • Cardiac muscles

(iv) Nervous tissue

The nervous tissue is made up of neurons. These are responsible for transmitting signals in the form of electrical impulses.