The Joints and Its Types

What is a Joint?

The Joints are the locations where the bones are attached to each other in order to facilitate the movement of the body parts.

What are the Different types of joints?

Joints in the body are classified into two major types. They are Functional joints and Structural joints.

  •  What are Functional joints?

Functional joints are a category of joints classified on the basis of functions they serve. Based on how much they can move, they are categorised as the Fixed Joints, the Partly Movable Joints, and the Fully Movable Joints.

  •  What are Structural joints?

Structural joints classify joints on the basis of the material filled in the cavity of joints. There are three types of structural joints: Fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, and synovial joints.

  • Fibrous Joints have fibres in between to seal the bones
  • Cartilaginous Joints have cartilage, that is a gelatinous, soft yet stiff substance, filling the gaps that form the
  • Synovial Joints have a fluid called synovial fluid to fill the gap. The fluid has an egg-white like consistency and helps in reducing friction between the