Tenses Worksheet Class 6

Tenses in English show the time of actions with verbs. They indicate when something occurs. For instance, “I walk” is about now, “I walked” is about the past, and “I will walk” is about the future. Dictionaries explain tenses as verb forms indicating time. When discussing yesterday’s activities, current actions, or tomorrow’s plans, we use various tenses. This article offers a Tenses Worksheet suitable for Class 6.

Tenses and Their Categories

In English, verb forms show us the time of an action. There are three main categories of verb forms:

  • Past
  • Present
  • Future

Past Category: This refers to actions that happened before now. For instance, “I played soccer yesterday.”

Present Category: This refers to actions occurring now or those that happen regularly. Examples include, “He sings well” or “She has breakfast daily.”

Future Category: This refers to actions that will happen later. Like, “We are going to the mall next weekend.”

Worksheet 1 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6

Change the following sentence to the present perfect tense:

  1. Convert this sentence to the present perfect tense: “She has lunch at 1 PM every day.”
  2. Rewrite this sentence in the future continuous tense: “They will be playing football later.”
  3. Change this sentence to the past perfect tense: “I had lunch by the time you arrived.”
  4. Fill in the blank with the simple present tense form of the verb: “She reads a book every evening.”
  5. Rewrite the sentence using the present perfect continuous tense: “They have been waiting for the bus since morning.”
  6. Fill in the blank with the right simple past tense form of the verb: “He finished his homework before dinner.”
  7. Complete this sentence with the future perfect tense form of the verb: “By next year, he will have learned French for five years.”
  8. Change this sentence to the past continuous tense: “I was cooking dinner at that time.”
  9. Fill in the blank with the correct present perfect tense form of the verb: “They have visited Paris twice.”
  10. Complete the sentence with the correct present continuous tense form of the verb: “We are studying for our exam tomorrow.”

Worksheet 1 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6 Answers

  1. She has lunch at 1 PM every day.
  2. They will be playing football at this time tomorrow.
  3. I would have had lunch by the time you arrived.
  4. She reads a book every evening.
  5. They have been waiting for the bus all morning.
  6. He finished his homework before dinner.
  7. By next year, he will have learned French for five years.
  8. I was cooking dinner at this time yesterday.
  9. They have visited Paris twice.
  10. We are studying for our exam tomorrow.

Worksheet 2 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6

Question 1: Convert the following sentence to the present perfect tense:
“I visit my grandmother every Sunday.”

Question 2: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the simple past tense:
“She _______ (go) to the market yesterday.”

Question 3: Rewrite the sentence in the future continuous tense:
“They watch a movie every weekend.”

Question 4: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:
“We _______ (play) football now.”

Question 5: Change the following sentence to the past perfect tense:
“I finish my homework before dinner.”

Question 6: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the simple present tense:
“He _______ (write) a letter every morning.”

Question 7: Rewrite the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense:
“They wait for the train since 5 PM.”

Question 8: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
“By next summer, she _______ (study) English for three years.”

Question 9: Change the following sentence to the past continuous tense:
“I read a book at 8 PM yesterday.”

Question 10: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
“They _______ (visit) the zoo twice this month.”

Worksheet 2 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6 Answers

Answer 1: “I have visited my grandmother every Sunday.”

Answer 2: “She went to the market yesterday.”

Answer 3: “They will be watching a movie every weekend.”

Answer 4: “We are playing football now.”

Answer 5: “I had finished my homework before dinner.”

Answer 6: “He writes a letter every morning.”

Answer 7: “They have been waiting for the train since 5 PM.”

Answer 8: “By next summer, she will have studied English for three years.”

Answer 9: “I was reading a book at 8 PM yesterday.”

Answer 10: “They have visited the zoo twice this month.”

Worksheet 3 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6

Question 1: Convert the following sentence to the present perfect tense:
“He watches a movie every Saturday.”

Question 2: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the simple past tense:
“They _______ (read) the newspaper yesterday.”

Question 3: Rewrite the sentence in the future continuous tense:
“I eat breakfast at 7 AM every day.”

Question 4: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:
“You _______ (listen) to music right now.”

Question 5: Change the following sentence to the past perfect tense:
“She completes her chores before bedtime.”

Question 6: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the simple present tense:
“It _______ (rain) in this season.”

Question 7: Rewrite the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense:
“He waits for the bus for two hours.”

Question 8: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
“By next month, they _______ (live) here for a year.”

Question 9: Change the following sentence to the past continuous tense:
“You write a letter at 5 PM.”

Question 10: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
“We _______ (travel) to the mountains several times.”

Worksheet 3 – Tenses Worksheet For Class 6 Answers

Answer 1: “He has watched a movie every Saturday.”

Answer 2: “They read the newspaper yesterday.”

Answer 3: “I will be eating breakfast at 7 AM every day.”

Answer 4: “You are listening to music right now.”

Answer 5: “She had completed her chores before bedtime.”

Answer 6: “It rains in this season.”

Answer 7: “He has been waiting for the bus for two hours.”

Answer 8: “By next month, they will have lived here for a year.”

Answer 9: “You were writing a letter at 5 PM.”

Answer 10: “We have traveled to the mountains several times.”

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