Structure and Components of Cells – Part 1

How do Cells appear under a microscope?

Cells form the basic units of life. These cells are observed and studied with the help of a microscope. The entire process of setting up the microscope along with the slide of any specimen is called Mounting.

The materials needed for this are:

  • Microscope
  • A slide
  • Coverslip
  • Iodine solution
  • Water
  • Forceps
  • Specimen – onion peel


The experiment of observing the onion cells under the microscope is carried out in the following way:


  1. Take the onion peel and pull the thin lining away from the inner surface with the help of forceps.
  2. Before placing the peel on the slide, add a drop of water and then place the onion peel on it. Do not touch the peel or slide it with
  3. Add two drops of dilute iodine solution. This is used to clearly see all the parts of the cell as they are
  4. Place a coverslip on the specimen such that no air bubbles are formed on the
  5. Check if there is enough light falling on the mirror of the
  6. Observe the cells under the

Cell borders	Cell constituents

Cell borders Cell constituents


  • There are many cells which have thick and distinct borders which differentiate one cell from the
  • Some tiny dark spots are scattered all
  • There are some prominent, circular structures which are very darkly stained. These structures are called Cell constituents.

Plant and animal cells are slightly different. When cells from a human cheek are scraped with a sterile cotton bud and mounted, similar but not exactly the same cells are seen under the microscope.