Story of Lightning

Why does Lightning Occur?

Clouds contain positively and negatively charged particles that balance each other. However, during turbulence, these charges get separated from each other and get accumulated at the edges of the clouds. We know that opposite charges attract each other. When these charges get strong enough, an electric discharge takes place between them due to the attraction.

This gives rise to lightning.

Lightning can occur in three different ways. Let’s understand each of these ways in detail.

Discharge between two different clouds

In this case, there is an attraction of opposite charges between two clouds. Due to this, the two clouds collide very strongly with each other producing the lightning effect.

Lightning between two clouds

Discharge in the same cloud

We know that the opposite charges gather at the edges of the cloud. When the cloud is small, the charges cannot remain away for long. As a result, the charges collide within the same cloud for a discharge to occur and create lightning.

Lightning in the same cloud

Discharge between a cloud and the earth’s surface

In this case, the discharge occurs due to the attraction of opposite charges between a cloud and the Earth.

In a cloud, the positive charges get accumulated at the top while negative charges are collected at the bottom. At the same time, the earth also has a positive charge accumulated on its surface. As the cloud grows bigger, the negative charges get attracted towards the surface of the earth to get discharged. And this causes the thunderbolt or lightning.

Impact of lightning

Lightning has the power to destroy life. This is because this charge is nothing but electricity. A small amount of electricity from appliances that we use can give us a great magnitude of shock. And the amount of power in a bolt of lightning is much greater. It can cause severe damage to life on earth and completely ruin the area where it hits.


Ways of

Lightning Discharge

  1. Between two different clouds
  2. In the same cloud
  3. Between a cloud and the earth’s surface

Did you know?

A typical lightning flash is about 300 million volts. In comparison, household current is 120 volts.

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