State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.

Political parties perform an important task always in the government. People are brought together to achieve control of the government, develop policies favorable to the interests or the groups that support them, and organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates.
In a democracy, political parties perform the following functions:
Political parties nominate candidates to compete in elections. These candidates may be picked by the party’s top leaders or by party members.
Parties provide their policies and programmes to voters for consideration.
Political parties play a significant influence in enacting legislation in the United States. A bill cannot become law unless it has the support of a majority of parties.
Governments are formed and managed by political parties.
Parties that lose elections serve as opponents to the ruling party.
Public opinion is shaped by parties.
Political parties serve as a vital link between the government and the general public. The public may approach their local leader more easily than a government official. Otherwise, the local leader will lose the next election if he does not respond to the public desire.