State the location and function of different types of meristematic tissues in plants.

Meristematic cells are cells that are capable of division and are generally restricted to a particular area in the plants.
Meristems are of two types, namely, primary meristem and secondary meristem.
Primary meristem is the cells formed in the initial phase of the plant.
Primary meristem: Apical and intercalary meristem
Apical meristem: it is present at the tips of roots and shoots.
It is responsible for the length-wise growth of the plant’s body.
Intercalary meristem: it occurs between the mature parts of the plant, i.e., above and below the stem nodes.
It is responsible for the growth of internodes and the growth of leaves.
Secondary meristem- meristem that occurs later in the life of the plant and is formed by dedifferentiation of the mature tissues.
Secondary meristem: cork cambium(phellogen) and vascular cambium
Vascular cambium: It is present between the xylem and phloem and is responsible for the formation of the secondary xylem and secondary phloem.
Cork Cambium: Formed by the dedifferentiation of cells of the cortex.
It forms cork and phelloderm to outside and inside, respectively.
It forms a protective layer against the activity of vascular cambium.
It also protects internal plant tissue from the microbes and external environment.

Final Answer:
Meristematic tissues are responsible for the overall growth of the plant; without them, there is no growth.