Sowing – Agricultural Practices

What is Sowing?

Sowing is the process of planting seeds. It is the agricultural practice that follows soil preparation.

For the process of sowing, the seeds selected have to be of good quality. This is because the seed type ensures either an excellent crop or a damaged one.

It is also important that seeds have an appropriate distance between them while sowing. This provides:

  • Proper aeration to the seeds
  • Access to the seeds to adequate nutrition from specific patches of soil
  • Roots of each plant their own space as they grow and avoids entanglement
  • Access to sunlight to all the plants as they are not overcrowded

How are Seeds Selected for Sowing?

Farmers employ various techniques to find out the quality of seeds. One such method is dropping the seeds in water. When seeds are dropped in water, the good quality seeds sink at the bottom, while the damaged ones float.

Good grains are filled with solid substances inside. This makes them heavy and they sink in the water. Whereas, damaged seeds are hollow. This makes them lighter and hence they float on water.

What are HYVs?

Farmers also use HYVs, that is High Yielding Varieties of seeds. They are genetically modified or hybridised to give healthier and stronger crops. As compared to normal seeds, these seeds are resistant to pests, diseases and even harsh climatic conditions. Thus using these seeds reduces the chance of crop failure.

What are the Types of Equipment Used for Sowing?

Traditional tool

 Traditional method of sowing 

The traditional tool used for sowing is funnel-shaped with 2 or 3 pipes fitted at the other end. The seeds are filled in the funnel and they pass through the pipes. The ends of the pipe are sharp and they pierce the soil and plant the seed. It can be mounted on a beam and can be dragged by animals.

The disadvantage of this method is that the seeds are not sowed in a pattern. Also, the distance between the planted seeds is not equal.

Seed drill

 It is a mechanised seed-sowing instrument. It digs deep inside the soil and plants the seed.

 Seed drill

Compared to the funnel, the seed drill does this job efficiently. It sows seeds at proper distances and creates a uniform pattern. It also covers the seed with soil and thus prevents the seeds from damage or attacks of birds. And since it is mechanised it saves labour and time as well.


Sowing The process of planting seeds
Equipment for Sowing
  • A traditional funnel-shaped tool
  • Seed drill