Sound – Medium of Propagation of Sound

How is Sound Propagated?

Sound requires a medium to propagate. The medium of propagation can be solids, liquids or gases. Let us see some examples of how sound travels through these different mediums

Propagation through gases

The sound of the siren when the train is approaching you, the sound of glass breaking, the sound of the firecracker, etc are some of the examples where the sound travels through the air. Thus, the medium of propagation is air and air is nothing but a mixture of gases.

Examples: Propagation of sound through gas (air)

Propagation of sound through gas

Propagation through liquids

Place a bell in a water-filled container such that it does not touch the base of the container. Now if you keep your ears close to the surface of the water and shake the bell inside, you can clearly hear its sound. Thus, the medium of propagation here is a liquid.

Examples: Propagation of sound through liquid (water)

Propagation through Solids

A doctor uses an instrument called the stethoscope to hear our heartbeat. He places the small disc-shaped object called a tunable diaphragm against the chest. The sound of the heartbeat travels through the tube and can be heard from the two earpieces. The tube through which the sound travels is solid. Thus, the medium of propagation here is solid.

Examples: Propagation of sound through solid


Propagation of Sound
  • Sound requires a medium to propagate or travel.
  • The medium of propagation can be solids, liquids or gases.