Sexual reproduction

What are Somatic cells?

The cells other than the germ cells are called the somatic cells like skin cells or muscle cells.

What are Germ cells?

The cells of the body which are involved in reproduction are called germ cells. The germ cells contain half the number of chromosomes as compared to somatic cells.

There are two types of germ cells in humans: female gamete and male gamete.

Female gamete – Female gamete contains food and is lodged in the female reproductive system. It is called an Egg cell.

Egg cell

Egg cell

Male gamete – The male gamete is small and motile so that it can penetrate the female gamete. It is called a Sperm cell.

Sperm cell

Sperm cell

What is Sexual reproduction?

The method of reproduction that requires two individuals for reproduction is called sexual reproduction.

What are the Benefits of sexual reproduction?

  • In sexual reproduction, the offspring’s genetic material is a combination of the two


  • Thus, there will be diversity and a new kind of DNA combination will be formed. This is also called Variation.
  • It will aid in the survival of organisms through drastic environmental