Sedimentation and Decantation

What are Sedimentation and Decantation?

Sedimentation is a process where a heavier component is separated out from the liquid by making the liquid stand still for some time, thereby leading the heavier particles to settle down.

It is usually used to separate impurities like mud present in water. When muddy water is made to stand still for some time, we can clearly observe two layers. One is of the mud that settles at the bottom and the other is of water above the settled layer of mud.



The step in which the water or the liquid on top is gradually removed to separate the two layers is called Decantation.



The same principles are used for separating a mixture of two liquids that do not mix with each other.

For example, if a mixture of oil and water is allowed to stand for some time, they form two separate layers. The component that forms the top layer can then be separated by decantation.


Separation of oil and water