Respiration in Other Organisms

How does Respiration take place in Amoeba?

  • The respiration in Amoeba takes place through its cell
  • The oxygen is diffused inside the body and the carbon dioxide is released into the surroundings through the cell



How does Respiration take place in Cockroach and Grasshopper?

  • Cockroaches and grasshoppers have tiny tube-like structures called Tracheae that open on the sides of their body through tiny pores called Spiracles.
  • During respiration, the oxygen enters the body through these spiracles and reaches all the cells by passing through a network of
  • The breakdown of food occurs in the presence of food and carbon dioxide is
  • The carbon dioxide gets released through the network of

Respiratory organs of cockroach and grasshopper

Respiratory organs of cockroach and grasshopper

How does Respiration take place in Earthworm?

  • The respiration process in earthworms takes place through their soft, moist
  • They have Blood Capillaries just under the
  • The oxygen gas absorbed by the skin diffuses into the blood and gets transported to all the cells of the
  • Oxygen is used for the oxidation of food and carbon dioxide is
  • The carbon dioxide then mixes with the blood and is diffused out of the body through the skin.



How does Respiration take place in Fish?

  • Fish have special respiratory organs called Gills.
  • Oxygen is extracted from water as it passes through the
  • The absorbed oxygen is then supplied to all the cells of the body through
  • The carbon dioxide is taken to the gills by the blood. The gills release the carbon dioxide in the water passing through