Refining Petroleum and Natural Gas

How is Petroleum Refined?

Petroleum refineries use the method of Fractional distillation to separate petroleum into its component parts or fractions. This process is known as refining of petroleum.

Components of petroleum

In this process, petroleum is heated inside a tube with many vents. As each of the components has a different boiling point, they are converted into vapours at different temperatures. At each vent, only a particular component would be collected. In this manner, petrol, diesel, kerosene and several others get separated out.

Why is Petroleum Referred to as Black Gold?

The components of petroleum have many applications. Even the residue from the refining process is useful. It is therefore of great commercial importance. Since petroleum is found under the earth and is valuable, just like gold, it is referred to as black gold.

What is Natural Gas?

Natural gas is another important fossil fuel that is found deep inside the earth near crude oil or the coal reserves. It is a mixture of various gases found deep inside the earth.

It is the starting material for various chemicals and fertilizers. It can be extracted to fuel our industries.

When stored under high pressure, natural gas is known as CNG – Compressed Natural Gas. It is used in power generation and as a fuel to aid transport. It is used to generate heat in homes and factories. It is also known as the cleanest fuel as it emits very less carbon dioxide as compared to all other fossil fuels. India has vast reserves of natural gas in Tripura, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra and in the Krishna-Godavari Delta region.

How can We Conserve Natural Resources?

Natural resources like coal, petroleum and natural gas are non-renewable. This means that they deplete over time. Also when they are used, they cause pollution and contribute to the threat of global warming. It is, therefore, important that these resources are used judiciously.

A few simple measures like switching off our household gadgets when not in use, carpooling to save petrol and diesel, proper maintenance of vehicles and various other things will make these non-renewable resources available to us for a longer period of time.


Refining of Petroleum Separation of petroleum into its component parts or fractions
Natural Gas A mixture of various gases found deep inside the earth near crude oil or the coal reserves
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Natural gas stored under high pressure

Used in power generation and as a fuel to aid transport

Used as to generate heat in homes and factories

Did you know?

To keep the average global temperature increase below 1.5 degree Celsius, we need to leave up to 80% of our fossil fuel reserves in the ground.