Pinhole Camera – Part 1

What is an Image?

 When we look in a mirror, we see a reflection of ourselves. This is an exact carbon copy of us. This copy is known as an Image.

Our image in a mirror

 What is a Pinhole camera?

 A Pinhole camera is a camera with no lens. Using this, we can capture the image of a distant light source like the sun, on a screen.

Image of the Sun through a pinhole camera

  How to make a pinhole camera?

 Take a cardboard paper and punch a small hole in its centre, using a pin. This is the simplest form of a pinhole camera.

How does a pinhole camera work?

 Place the pinhole camera right above the ground such that the sun rays falling on the cardboard form a shadow on the ground. Now place a white sheet of paper where the shadow is formed. This paper will act as a screen to capture the image of the Sun. In the case of a pinhole camera, as the hole is small, only a little amount of sunlight can pass through it. Thus, we will observe a bright spot in the centre of the shadow. This is nothing but an image of the Sun.

What is a Solar eclipse?

A Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes in between the Sun and the Earth. In this process, the Moon blocks the light of the Sun and casts its shadow on the Earth, just like the cardboard casts its shadow on the screen.

Solar eclipse

 If we see a Solar eclipse through a pinhole camera, we will obtain the shadow of the moon on the screen and not its image. This is the difference between observing the Sun and a Solar eclipse using a pinhole camera.

Image of a Solar eclipse through a pinhole camera