Parts of a flower

What are the Different parts of the flower?

A flower has four parts: sepals, petals, stamen, and carpel.

● Sepals

Sepals are the modified form of the leaves which enclose the bud and protect it from infection and damage.

They are usually green coloured and are present on the lower side of the flower.

● Petals

The vibrant and colourful part of the flower is called Petal. Their main function is to attract birds and insects for Pollination.

● Stamen

The male reproductive part of a flower is called the Stamen. It produces pollen grains which are male gametes of the plant.

It has two parts: filament and anther.

  • Filament – The long slender stalk of the stamen that is connected to
  • Anther – The bag-like structure on top of the stamen that contains a microscopic structure called pollen

● Carpel

The female reproductive part of a flower is called the Carpel. It has three parts: stigma, style, and ovary.

  • Stigma – The sticky part on the top that helps the pollen grains to stick to
  • Style – An elongated tube that holds up the stigma in
  • Ovary – The bulging part at the bottom of the

Parts of a flower

Parts of a flower