Oxygen in the Air

How is the oxygen level maintained in the atmosphere?

Oxygen level in the atmosphere is maintained through the process of photosynthesis.

What is the process of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

All organisms that respire, give out carbon dioxide. Trees take in the carbon dioxide that is released by organisms and use it for photosynthesis. Oxygen is released as a by-product of photosynthesis reaction.

Thus, even if the oxygen in the air reduces due to inhalation or respiration by organisms, plants replenish it back.

Photosynthesis reaction

Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

The level of carbon dioxide is also maintained by trees and plants. Even if carbon dioxide increases in the air, it is taken up by the plants and is used further.

This is how levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide are maintained in the atmosphere. It is a delicate balance kept in place by nature.

But the excessive cutting of trees increases carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in the air. it is therefore important to plant a lot of trees to maintain a healthy balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.