Non-Contact Force and It’s Types

What is a Non-Contact Force?

The force that operates between objects that are not in contact with each other is called Non- contact force.

What are the Types of Non-contact Forces?

There are different types of Non-contact forces. For example,

  • Magnetic force
  • Gravitational

Let’s learn more about them.

Magnetic Force

A force that a magnet exerts on a magnetic substance like an iron nail is called Magnetic force.

When a bar magnet is taken close to an iron nail, the nail leaps towards the magnet and sticks to it even though the nail and magnet are not in contact with each other.

This shows that contact is not necessary for forces to operate between objects. The force that the magnet exerts on the nail is called Magnetic force. Hence, the magnetic force is a non- contact force.

Gravitational force

A force that the earth exerts on an object in the downward direction is called Gravitational force.

Due to this force, the earth always pulls objects towards it. Contact is not required between the earth and other objects to attract each other. Hence, the gravitational force is also a non- contact force.


Non-contact Force Force that operates between objects that are

not in contact with each other

Examples of Non-contact Forces Magnetic force, and Gravitational force

 Did you know?

When Isaac Newton, an English mathematician, and physicist, was thinking about the forces of nature, he saw a falling apple and discovered the Gravitational force.

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