Nervous system

What is Nervous system?

  • The nervous system is an organ system that is responsible for regulating everything in our
  • The system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and

What is a Neuron?

Neuron or nerves cells are the cells that are responsible for the transmission of signals from and to the brain and spinal cord.



What are the Different types of neurons?

There are two different types of neurons: sensory neurons and motor neurons.

Sensory neurons

  • Sensory neurons carry the information or signals from the sense organs to the central nervous

Motor neurons

  • The motor neurons carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles or effector

How does the nervous system function?

  • The sensory organs collect the stimuli from the exterior world. The signal is then sent to the central nervous system (CNS).
  • The transmission of signals is carried out by the neurons. The chemical signal is received by the dendrites of a neuron. An electrical impulse is generated when the dendrite receives the signal, and then it passes through the cell body and travels down the
  • There is a gap between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite of the other. This gap is called the synapse. Synapse converts the electrical signal to a chemical signal for transmission to the dendrites of the next
  • The axon terminal has vesicles containing acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter. When the electrical impulse reaches the axon terminal, the acetylcholine is released in the synapse.
  • The dendrites of the next neuron receive the chemical signal in the form of acetylcholine and convert it into an electrical impulse and this signal will again follow the same method of