Name two animals which move without bones.

Organisms that lack a bony skeleton or move without the use of bones include:
1. Earthworm: An earthworm is a type of invertebrate. It has parapodia and a tube-like structure. Earthworm, also known as a farmer’s friend, is a member of the phylum Annelida. The presence of parapodia is a distinguishing feature of the phylum Annelida. The annelids’ locomotion is aided by parapodia. Earthworms, like humans, move using parapodia.
2. Starfish: The phylum Echinodermata includes starfish. This phylum’s members are entirely marine.
A starfish has five arms, each with a large number of tube feet on the dorsal side. Starfish use their tube feet to move around.
Starfish move by using tube feet and a water vascular system (the system that uses water to help in locomotion).

Final Answer: Therefore, the animals which move without bones are the earthworm, starfish, etc.