Name the causative agent of malaria. State any two symptoms and two preventive measures of malaria.

Malaria is caused by a single celled protozoa that is Plasmodium.
It is a parasite that uses a mosquito as its vector.
The disease is transmitted by the mosquito bite.
Lifecycle of parasite in host:
Parasite in the human body reproduces in the liver, this stage is known as schizont stage.
It releases from the liver as merozoites, infects the RBCs.
In RBC, they reproduce asexually and release out by rupturing the RBCs at schizont stage.

Two symptoms:
High fever on periodic intervals which occurs due to the rupturing of RBCs and release of hemozoin at the schizont stage.
Chills and shivering

Two preventive measures:
Precautionary measures to prevent entry of mosquitoes like use of nets, closing doors after sunset.
Wearing full sleeves clothes.

Final Answer:

Plasmodium is the causative agent of malaria.
Two symptoms: High fever with chills
Two preventive measures: Use of net beds and insecticides.