Motion and its Types – 2

What is Circular motion?

 The motion of an object along the circumference of a circle is a Circular motion. It can also be defined as the motion of an object moving in circles.

An object tied to a rope and swirled in circles, satellites orbiting the Earth are some examples of circular motion.

Car moving in circular motion

 What is Rotational motion?

 A body spinning about a fixed point is said to be in Rotational motion. This fixed point is called the Axis of rotation.

Axis of rotation of a rotating ball

 A moving fan is an example of rotational motion. Since the fan as a whole is not moving in circles, the motion of a fan is not circular but rotational.

A spinning wheel, the spinning of the Earth are some other examples of rotational motion.

Fan undergoing rotational motion

 What is the difference between circular and rotational motion?

 If the axis of rotation is not a part of the object, then it is in a circular motion. But if the axis or the centre of rotation is a part of the object, then it is said to be in a rotational motion.