Motion and its Types – 1

In the previous segment we learnt about the different types of length measuring tools, the common errors in measurement and the precautions necessary to avoid them.

In this segment, we will learn about Motion and various types of motion.

What is Motion?

 The change in position of a body with time is called Motion. In other words, anything around us that moves is said to be in motion.

Vehicles moving on the road, people walking across streets, birds flying in the sky, the revolution of planets around the Sun are all examples of motion.

Car in motion, a man walking, a bird flying

 What is Relative motion?

 In physics, we do all calculations according to the reference points. When we talk about the speed of something, we first determine a reference point, and then according to this reference point, we determine the speed of the object. The speed of the moving objects with respect to other moving or stationary objects is called “Relative Speed” and this motion is called “Relative motion”.

For example, you are on a railway platform watching the train pass by. You are at rest. For you, both the train as well the passengers sitting inside are in motion. But for a person inside the train, they are not moving or are at rest and you are in motion.

Here, the motion observed by the observer depends on the position (frame) of the observer.

A person observing a train pass by

 Now that we know what motion and relative motion is, we will study various types of motion. The first type is the Rectilinear motion.

What is Rectilinear motion?

 Rectilinear motion is the motion in a straight line.

For example, a car moving in a straight line, on a straight road is an example of rectilinear motion.

Car moving on a straight path