More about Electricity

What is an Electric circuit?

  • A simple electric circuit consists of a battery, switch, bulb, and wire. The wire is connected in a loop to ensure that there will be a constant flow of

A setup of an electric circuit

A setup of an electric circuit

  • When the switch is closed, the circuit is complete, hence the electrons will start flowing and the bulb is lit

An electric circuit when the switch is closed

An electric circuit when the switch is closed

  • When the switch is open, the circuit is not complete, thus the bulb is not

An electric circuit when the switch is open

An electric circuit when the switch is open

What are Conductors and insulators?

  • Elements that have mobile electrons are called conductors. Hence, electric wires are made using good conductors of electricity as they assist in electron
  • Metals like copper, silver, and gold are a few of the best conductors of
  • Elements with low or no conductivity are called insulators. They prevent the flow of electrons.
  • Rubber and plastic are good examples of

What is an Electric current?

  • Electric current is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge, which is the amount of charge flowing through a particular area in unit
  • The direction of the electric current is opposite to the direction of the flow of

Direction of flow of current and flow of electrons

Direction of flow of current and flow of electrons