Minerals and their deficiencies

In the previous segment, we learned about Water-soluble vitamins and their deficiencies. In this segment, we will learn about mineral deficiency. The three major minerals that we will study in this segment are calcium, iron and iodine.


●     What are the functions of calcium?

Calcium is a mineral which hardens few structures such as bones and teeth in the body.

●     What are the sources of calcium?

Calcium can be obtained from milk and milk products as well as eggs.

●     Calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency causes bones and teeth to become soft and to bend and break very easily.


●     What are the functions of iron?

Iron is an important part of a substance called haemoglobin in our red blood cells. Haemoglobin carries oxygen gas from the lungs to different body parts.

●     What are the sources of Iron?

Iron is found majorly in all green leafy vegetables especially spinach. Jaggery too contains a high quantity of iron. Meat products such as liver are also rich in iron.

●     Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency causes a condition called Anaemia.

Anaemia is the condition where our blood has deficient red blood cells. This means that the haemoglobin that carries the oxygen will also be less. That is the reason why people

suffering from anaemia are generally very weak. They get tired and exhausted very easily compared to other healthy individuals.


●     What are the functions of iodine?

Iodine is a mineral which controls growth, muscle function and regulates body temperature too. This mineral is also concerned with our metabolism process. This process helps in converting food into energy.

●     What are the sources of iodine?

Iodine is present in iodised salt. It is also present in yoghurt and cranberries.

●     Iodine deficiency

Deficiency of iodine causes a condition called Goitre, which is a swelling in the neck. This swelling is caused by the enlargement of the thyroid gland present in the throat. This gland is responsible for the growth of the body,

Therefore, goitre leads to growth issues and also improper development of the body. At the adult stage, it can cause several problems in the functioning of various organs in the body as well.