Microorganisms – Protozoa

What are Protozoa?

Protozoa are microscopic unicellular eukaryotes that have a relatively complex internal structure. Proto stands for primitive and Zoan means animal. Thus, they are considered primitive to animals. The single-cell has highly complex functions. Hence, they are known as the Pinnacle of unicellular complexity.

What is the Structure of protozoa?

Structure of a Protozoan (Paramecium and Euglena)

Structure of a Protozoan

  • A Protozoan shows a typical eukaryotic cell
  • They do not have a cell
  • The nucleus and the membrane-bound organelles form an integral part of the
  • Many of them possess food vacuoles to store
  • Most of them have additional features like cilia or flagella for

What does a Protozoan Feed on?



Some protozoa contain chlorophyll. They can prepare its own food through photosynthesis and thus follows the autotrophic mode of nutrition.

For example, Euglena.

Euglena and Plasmodium

Euglena and Plasmodium

Most of the protozoa derive nutrition directly from the body of living organisms. They are called

Parasites. They do not kill the host but do harm them severely. For example, Amoeba and Plasmodium.

For example, Amoeba and Plasmodium.


Protozoa Protozoa are microscopic unicellular eukaryotes that have a relatively complex internal structure.
Structure of Protozoa
  • Eukaryotic cell structure without a cell wall.
  • Most of them possess cilia and flagella for locomotion.
Mode of Nutrition of Protozoa
  • Autotrophic
  • Parasitic

Did you know?

Malaria is not caused by mosquitoes. It only acts as a vector to carry a protozoan Plasmodium that transmits the disease.

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