Microorganisms – Bacteria

What are Microorganisms?

Organisms which cannot be observed with naked eyes, and require a microscope to be seen, are called Microorganisms or Microbes.

How are Microorganisms Classified?

Microorganisms, or Microbes, are the tiny creatures that come in various shapes, forms and structures. They are present everywhere.

They are classified into four major classes:

  • Bacteria
  • Fungi
  • Protozoa
  • Algae

Classification of Microbes

Classification of Microbes

What are Bacteria?

Bacteria are the unicellular prokaryotic organisms and are present almost everywhere around us. They have a single cell which is of a primitive type, without a well-defined nucleus. Thus, the genetic material of these microbes is randomly scattered in the cytoplasm.



Bacteria come in diverse forms, various shapes, and sizes. They are classified into four major groups, based on their shapes:


Microorganisms Organisms which cannot be observed with naked eyes, and require a microscope to be seen.
Classification of Microorganisms Bacteria




Bacteria Unicellular prokaryotic organisms.
Classification of Bacteria Coccus (Cocci)

Bacillus (Bacilli)

Vibrio (Vibrios)

Spirillum (Spirilla)

Did you know?

Some of the microbes are even present inside us but won’t harm us in any way.

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