Metals and Non-Metals – Properties

What are the properties of metals?

In the last segment, we saw four properties of metals, namely metallic lustre, hardness, malleability and ductility. Some other properties of metals are:

  • Good conductors of heat: Metals are good conductors of heat. They help transfer heat evenly through their entire surface and provide even heating.
  • Good conductors of electricity: Electric wires are made up of metals as they are good conductors of electricity. Hence, they are coated with a rubber-like material. This rubber-like material acts as an insulator.
  • Sonorous: Metals are sonorous. That is, they produce sound when hit against a hard surface. Thus, school bells, church bells, or the bells in a temple are made up of metals.
  • High melting points: Metals have a high melting point, which means that they need a large amount of heat to melt it.

Some exceptions in metals

  • Mercury is metal but is found in the liquid state at room temperature, unlike most metals which are solid.
  • Two metals gallium and caesium have low melting points. They melt even when kept on the palm of the hand.

What are the properties of non-metals?

  • Non-metals are non-lustrous.
  • Non-metals are Hence, do not exhibit the properties of ductility and malleability.
  • Non-metals are bad conductors of heat and electricity.
  • Non-metals are non-sonorous.

 Some exceptions non-metals

  • Iodine is a non-metal lustre which is technically the property of
  • Carbon is a non-metal but its allotrope diamond is the hardest substance and has extremely high melting and boiling points. Allotropes are different physical forms in which an element can


Properties of Metals
  • Lustrous
  • Hard
  • Can be beaten into sheets
  • Can be drawn into wires
  • Good conductors of heat and electricity
  • Sonorous
Properties of Non-metals
  • Non-lustrous
  • Brittle
  • Cannot be beaten into sheets
  • Cannot be drawn into wires
  • Poor conductors of heat and electricity
  • Non-sonorous

Did you know?

The most abundant metal in the universe is iron.