Mention the post fertilisation changes that occur in a flower .

After fertilisation, the following changes are observed in a flower:
Formation of a diploid zygote and it develops into an embryo, which represents the future plant. The endosperm cells serve as a nutrition source for the developing embryo.
The ovule changes into the seed.
The ovary becomes the fruit.
In most plants, the antipodals and synergids disintegrate before, during, or immediately after fertilisation.
The outer and inner integuments become the seed coat of the seed.
Petals and sepals shed off.

Post the process of fertilisation, the embryo undergoes a series of mitotic divisions and forms a multicellular embryo.
The endosperm nucleus undergoes a series of divisions and forms a mass of endosperm cells. These endosperm cells are responsible for providing nutrition to the developing embryo.