Matter in our Surroundings – Melting Point and Boiling Point

What is Latent heat?

Heat absorbed or released as the result of a change in the state of matter is called Latent heat.

When heat is supplied to a solid, it melts and gets converted into liquid. But the temperature of the substance doesn’t rise. The particles of matter absorb the heat and store it inside them in the form of kinetic energy. As this heat is hidden it is referred to as latent heat. It is this heat that helps the particles to overcome the forces of attraction that bind them to each other

What is Fusion?

The process of conversion of solid state of matter to a liquid state is known as Fusion.

What is Melting point?

The temperature at which the solid changes to liquid at atmospheric pressure is called its Melting point.

The melting point indicates the strength of the force of attraction between its particles. Stronger the force of attraction between the particles, more heat is required, hence higher the melting point. If the particles are not so strongly attracted, then the melting point is relatively lower.

For example, the melting point of ice is 273.16 Kelvin.

Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. And 0 Celsius is 273.16 Kelvin.

What is Boiling point?

The temperature at which a liquid starts boiling at atmospheric pressure is called its Boiling point. When heat is supplied to a liquid, it starts boiling after a certain amount of heat is absorbed. The exact temperature at which it starts boiling is the boiling point.

For example, the boiling point of water is 373 Kelvin or 100 Celsius.

What is Vaporisation?

The process of conversion of the liquid state of matter to a gaseous state is known as Vaporisation

When heat is supplied to a boiling liquid, after some time it states to evaporate. This evaporation is the conversion of liquid into vapours.

What is Sublimation?

A change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into a liquid state is called Sublimation.

For example, naphthalene balls used in our houses disappear within a few days. There is no indication of them converting into a liquid state. These naphthalene balls move directly from the solid state to their gaseous state, that is they sublimate.

The reverse is also possible, that is the conversion of gaseous state, directly to solid state. This is known as Deposition.